Yes, I have represented many clients that suffer from Hepatitis C and have been awarded their Social Security Disability benefits. However, the diagnosis of Hepatitis C is not enough alone to be awarded disability. Many people have been infected with Hepatitis C for years and do not know it because their Hepatitis C is not active. In other words, they are not suffering with any symptoms. Typically, I have experienced most success in getting my client approved when they are undergoing treatment for Hepatitis C. Generally, Interferon is prescribed to treat Hepatitis C for a 6 to 12 month period. Some people suffer serious side effects from the Interferon which generally are persuasive in convincing the Social Security Administration of my client’s disability. Also, a liver biopsy is helpful in proving the severity of the Hepatitis C. If you are unable to tolerate the Interferon due to the severity of the side effects and are experiencing flu-like symptoms because of your Hepatitis C being active, then this also can be persuasive with the Social Security Administration.
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